I had a phone call last Friday asking me if I wouldn't mind taking a lad down to Waterloo IA with me, as it has been a while since he has driven down to the States, and his mind needed some refreshing. I agreed to this as obviously I am a nice guy and helping other people, adds value to my life (plus its more money per mile). I have to say though that I have enjoyed the trip; its not maybe something I could do every week, but now and again, I think its good to have someone with you. (Even if its only for some company)
Its quite weird trying to pass on information that you have only just learnt yourself, like your some kind of expert, but I played the know-it-all well and even convinced myself I was pretty good. We picked our trailer up on Saturday morning ran down to the Chicago area and we were back in Calgary on Tuesday night. We didn't really stop, apart from doing the pickups and deliveries, so I thought it was good going. I was planned with a job to go straight back down by myself, which I thought was going to be a quick turn around and go; but it seems I was not given all the information and I am now sat 200 kms from my house, resetting my hours, as they load my trailer. So close but yet so far.....
Sharing your space with someone else, is difficult. I don't think I was aware of how set in my ways I am. I said to the lad that he could smoke in the truck, as long as he opened the window, but immediately regretted that statement, 5 cigarettes later. I didn't say anything to him but he must have picked up on the vibe, as he started waiting until we had stopped to spark up. Everybody is different, I know, but when people don't do things the way I do them, it starts to get on my nerves. This sort of sounds like a "I know best" senario, but thats not what I mean. 'I' just thinks its the best way, but I am not always right. I work at a certain tempo when I am out of the truck and I don't like to waste time.. I am definately not suited to team driving, like I thought; but that being said, I would still like to take some of the guys out for their first trips.
2 days ago